Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Websphere Standalone Application server Admin console problem..

Websphere Standalone Application server Admin console problem..

1.i have installed websphere ND product file using #install -options /was/responsefile.nd.txt -silent

when i checked log.txt file shown "INSTCONFSUCCS"

2.then installed standalone profile using #wasprofile -create -profilename saprofile -profilepath .... -profiletemplate /was/IBM/websphere/Applicationserver/profiletemplate/default ...etc

When i checheckd its log file from /logs/wasprofile/...

shown that profile installation also completed successfully

3.then #./startserver.sh server1

display message as server1 started...



when i try to access console from web browser( ,after some times displaying message that not accessible..

also checked SystemOut.log ..



SRVE0250I: Web Module WebSphere Admin File Transfer Application has been bound to admin_host[*:9060,*:


Web Module Default Web Application has been bound to default_host[*:9080,*:80,*:9443].


Can anyone tell me whats the exact problem is???